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Costa last won the day on June 27 2021

Costa had the most liked content!


About Costa

  • Birthday 03/15/1973


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    Is this a trick question??


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    rent a cop

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BSBH Junior

BSBH Junior (6/14)

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  1. I'd like to see Alex Faust get a shot. Brooklyn boy. Has called LA Kings, Boston and Rangers (on radio) games.
  2. If Chytil is healthy, I'm playing him over Wheeler, all day, every day, twice on weekends.
  3. If you're going to insert Chytil into the lineup if was up to me it's either at 1RW with Zbad & CK20 or as a W/C on the 3rd line with Wennberg and KK24 or Cuylle. He only comes in if Carolina advances. No fargin way I'm putting him in this round.
  4. How about trade his ass over the summer. His deal becomes M-NTC 7/1/24.
  5. No pressure for him in San Jose. No one gives a fuck about hockey in Sah Jose.
  6. 2 games back MINUS 5. Not a good look Jacob. Why did they split up Miller and Schnied?? 8 millon reasons.
  7. Speaking of which, word on the street that Mrs. Trouba might be in labor. That's why #8 is not on the bench.
  8. Hopefully early in the new year, we see KK24 back on the bench.
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