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Tonybologna last won the day on December 20 2014

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About Tonybologna

  • Birthday 05/19/1994

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  1. As long as Trouba takes this as motivation and not a reason to just glide into next offseason with his 8 mil a year
  2. Rest in peace, I was always with The Dude on Gauthier.
  3. A home afternoon game might be my only chance to see a playoff game at a decent price so I would not mind if I'm able to go haha
  4. Yeah I agree with the main guys being mentioned (Trocheck, Vesey, Quick, Lindgren) but Panarin with the head-shaving and commitment to more shooting and goal-scoring and overall better play, he's up there for me for sure.
  5. Off the board hockey trade has to be incoming, praying for Brady Tkachuk
  6. How do the refs miss Kreider getting held back from entering a 2 on 1 there, and then the hooking at the end of the play/period
  7. If Dallas wins the cup this year, are any Texans really going to want to switch teams? Or are the Houstonians (Houstonites?) not really Dallas Stars fans with some sort of city vs city rivalry? Just something to consider maybe.
  8. I don't know if Quenneville is gonna work especially in NY. Also how do players who know that he ignored his own players getting abused follow him into battle? I know he was a great coach but are things different now post revelations about the sexual assault scandal? Also you KNOW there's going to be a whole wave of social media NYR fans being vehemently against it. I know it's tempting because he's the best coach "available" (pending approval from Bettman) but the controversy might be more than a moral quandary, it could also affect the team in a negative way.
  9. I think this Devils team might just counter the Rangers with their speed. It doesn't make them better per se, but it means I don't feel great about playing them in the playoffs. There are better teams I'd rather play.
  10. So Kane didn't want to actually play here in New York, he just wanted to live here.
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