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Zuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuc last won the day on September 10

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  • Birthday 03/13/1997

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  1. Why would he? I thought most players gets more on the open market. I get that paying 10m for a goalie isn't desirable, especially for one that's never played 50 games a season before, but are we forgetting how stupid and desperate GM's can be? I can't bother looking up all the teams cap situation but I'm sure there's a GM out there with a decent amount of cap space thinking he's only a great goalie away from contending.
  2. Yeah, ballsy is what @phillyb said. 60 points. I got Kakko scoring 30 goals. It’s never too late for a breakout season!
  3. If you want to watch Premiere League here in Norway you have to have a full subscription on the app "Viaplay" which costs around 80$. If you want to watch series, films and all other sports on their app you pay "only" 40$, but there's no way to pay for only PL. Now it's estimated that around 200k (out of 2m in the country) households use IPTV and rapidly increasing. It's like they've learned nothing from the music industry. If you charge the customers too much, even when you have monopoly, they will find other options.
  4. And you saying it’s true doesn’t make it true. You can win with a goalie making 12% of the cap, it’s been proven twice the last 4 years. With two different teams.
  5. So the real problem is their contracts, not (a potential) Shesterkin’s contract. I do think Fleury, Holtby, Crawford and Quick were close to 10-12% of the cap at the time, but I won’t do the math lol. Anyway I think the most recent are the most relevant. Saying something doesn’t work when it’s worked twice the last few years makes no sense. I don’t buy the argument that you need others to outperform their contracts either. You need that even if you have a goalie making much money. That’s how a hard cap league works. I just don’t see how this team is better with a Georgiev-type goalie at 3-4m and an extra 6m in cap space. You don’t get a game-breaker for 6m - we do get the best goalie in the world for 10-11m.
  6. Oh you're right. Looks like they were back 3 days ago: https://www.instagram.com/p/C_vevJOu6sP/?img_index=1
  7. Two of the last four champions had a goalie make 9.5m and 10m but please go on about how it's not possible to win a Cup with a goalie making around 12% of the cap.
  8. There's no way anyone believed this, right? He can't log on zoom for a few hours during the day because that would ruin his training? Oh poor guy has to do some real work so he can't show up to court? Lol fuck off.
  9. There's a big difference between hating him and mocking the fangirling some fans does for him.
  10. Haha of course. 2, not 4. Unfortunately the sport is filled with corruption, and as usual, no one does corruption better than south-America. It's tragic, cause the people there love the sport more than anyone.
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