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Vodka Drunkenski

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Vodka Drunkenski last won the day on March 15

Vodka Drunkenski had the most liked content!

About Vodka Drunkenski

  • Birthday 01/01/1978

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Vodka Drunkenski's Achievements

BSBH Champion

BSBH Champion (12/14)

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  1. On a serious note, I donate to St. Jude
  2. I’ve debated about donating to @Ozzydrinking charity but worry about going bankrupt.
  3. It’s a business, I don’t hate any players when it comes to financials. I only hate players when they are dirty
  4. Mother-in-law nice, father-in-law pain in the ass It was extremely hot, I was sweating in the shade
  5. Was hoping to go to Croatia this summer but being out of work for so many months, just wasn’t feasible. Luckily my in-laws decided to take the entire family on a cruise to the Bahamas last month, which was a lot of fun
  6. I just don’t understand what some are expecting him to do at this point. The market wasn’t great, no one was moving the needle for the going rates. Moving Trouba will be the ultimate move. It was always expected that they would look to improve via trade imo
  7. you still haven’t told me what else you would’ve done? I’ll wait….
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