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World Record: Longest Hockey Game played in Norway's GET-League


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Let Chrome translate this article for you - http://www.vg.no/sport/ishockey/norsk-ishockey/verdensrekord-paa-hamar-i-natt-storhamar-vant-etter-8-timer-og-32-minutter/a/23947532/


The game lasted 8 hours and 32 minutes of REAL TIME, starting at 6:00pm local time, ending at 2:32am.

The game-winning goal came 217 minutes and 14 seconds of play time and was scored by Joakim Jensen.


English article - http://www.foxsports.com/nhl/story/norwegian-teams-set-world-record-for-longest-hockey-game-031217

Another one from BBC - http://www.bbc.com/sport/ice-hockey/39253319


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