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Became US Citizen today


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Hey guys, Just wanted to share that I took part in the ceremony today to become a US citizen, (from Sweden originally). It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone was just really nice and warm and welcoming.

Ever since I came here almost 20 years ago I have been greeted with nothing but open arms by Americans, I'm now proud to count myself as one of them and I would gladly take a bullet to protect this great nation.





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Hey guys, Just wanted to share that I took part in the ceremony today to become a US citizen, (from Sweden originally). It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone was just really nice and warm and welcoming.

Ever since I came here almost 20 years ago I have been greeted with nothing but open arms by Americans, I'm now proud to count myself as one of them and I would gladly take a bullet to protect this great nation.






Congrats man. Nice to have you.

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Hey guys, Just wanted to share that I took part in the ceremony today to become a US citizen, (from Sweden originally). It was a beautiful ceremony and everyone was just really nice and warm and welcoming.

Ever since I came here almost 20 years ago I have been greeted with nothing but open arms by Americans, I'm now proud to count myself as one of them and I would gladly take a bullet to protect this great nation.







Awesome Mo. just awesome!

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  • 3 weeks later...


Shame on me.


Anyway, awesome man. It's a couple years away for me, but was the ceremony any fun? Any history test or anthem singing still involved nowadays? :D


The ceremony was fantastic, much nicer than I would have thought, the people there made us feel super comfortable and relaxed, the judge had a fanastic speech about the nation and immigration and all that goes with it, they had a lady explaining the back story of the song God bless america even singing an older verse of it usually not performed and then singing the classic version solo acapella right there in the court room, they had even set up a whole spread of refreshments and snacks for after ceremony where everyone could gather and talk, one of the ladies who worked at the court had baked home made cookies and many other things. You could tell the effort that had gone into the whole thing and it was very touching.


You say the pledge of allegiance at he ceremony and you also take the OATH of allegiance.


I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty, of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."


There is no history test part of the ceremony, but you have to take the civics test in a interview earlier at the USCIS to get approval for the ceremony in the first place.

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As someone who's done this in a different country I can say your story is a shitload better than mine. hah

Lol yeah, I don't know about Sweden for example where I come from but If I'd wager a guess you'd probably get a letter in the in mail there stating you're a citizen or something similarly impersonal.
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