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X ? A-12: Elon Musk and Grimes confirm baby name


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Elon Musk and singer Grimes have confirmed they have named their baby X ? A-12.


The Space X CEO announced the birth of their son on Monday. "Mom & baby all good," he said on Twitter.


He posted that the child would be called X ? A-12 Musk and his girlfriend later offered an explanation to her followers on social media.






Fucking what!? Should have just called him C3PO.

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When I taught Junior High there was a myriad of ?suggestions? for naming our first son. Suggestions from students named (I don?t kid) UMajesty, Devine Asia Earth, Pretzel, GinGel, Female (Fe-mal-ee) MeLady (cousin of UMajesty)...yeah, nobody going to be harmed with those names. Everyone is special. Everyone gets a trophy.
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I don't disagree with any of the responses here, but I'm a bit surprised at them as they are not "forward thinking". I've seen stranger and more abnormal ideas being pushed as normal these days.


I'd like to know the pronunciation. I also just learned how to type ? on a keyboard (enable num lock on keypad, hold alt, type 146, let go of alt).

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Are you a parent?

I don't disagree with any of the responses here, but I'm a bit surprised at them as they are not "forward thinking". I've seen stranger and more abnormal ideas being pushed as normal these days.


I'd like to know the pronunciation. I also just learned how to type ? on a keyboard (enable num lock on keypad, hold alt, type 146, let go of alt).

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