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Happy Nee Year, Everyone


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2018 was basically one big shit-filled disappointment topped with hardship and bad news for me. But hard work, determination, and a dash or two of luck helped to mostly right the ship, even if it took longer than I'd have hoped.


Still, I'm thankful to the family and friends who were there to help, and my son, who makes every day worth living.


I'm also mostly thankful for this place still being a thing going into our ninth year. From my dedicated (unpaid) Staff to whoever the biggest pain in the ass is on any given night ;). I've met so many now real-life friends off this board who I consider like family and wish all of you ? even the pain in the asses ? a very happy new year, rife with success and love.


Thanks for always being there, everyone.



Sent from my iPhone using Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk

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Shit filled year here too, spending 10 days in a coma with little chance of surviving puts things in perspective. The last five months rehabbing was the biggest grind imaginable. I am beyond thankful for you guys giving me a place to talk hockey and share some laughs. Onward to the new year wishing you all the best of health and happiness.
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Thanks for making this place happen, Phil. Very tough year for me, but it is ending with opportunity and possibility. 2019 won't have to work too hard to be better. But with a little luck and a lot of elbow grease, it could be a big step up. Wish that for everyone. Happy New Year!


Sent from my [device_name] using http://Blueshirts Brotherhood mobile app powered by Tapatalk

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