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Fargin' Onions

Shane Falco

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Hadn't seen that before. Definitely stirs some emotions, considering how obsessed I am with my dog. Makes me feel like an asshole, if I'm being honest, for going the breeder route. Next time I'm definitely adopting, although I'm so obsessed with my boy Franklin that I hope that's not for a very long time.


My brother rescued a beagle/basset mix from a place like the one mentioned in this video. He's doing great now. Loves the outdoors, loves to sniff everything, and is an absolute food vacuum. Led Zeppelin was playing in the car ride on the way home, so he was affectionately named Zep.


With a song as fun and inspiring as "Here Comes the Sun" I was hoping we'd get to see a video of them romping around in the grass a bit after they got used to it. But I guess a fun, happy kind-of ending like that would defeat the purpose of the video and detract from the serious message.

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Those beagles' eyes, despite their lifetime of caged confinement...as deeply emotional as the eyes of almost every dog — that go on forever inside their beings as they peer into ours unconditionally, sometimes seeming to look for the best in us humans to lead the way — for the better if we can, or the worse if we can't — but understand them and sometimes try to do as they would if they were us, and we had their trusting innocence. Impossible maybe, but together, man, woman and dog, we sometimes find the way.


The pack can be rough at times, and even dogs are predators in the food chain, we cannot project all of our thoughts and feelings on them, but I think we've got a lot to learn from them — pure mirrors that they are into what lives in our souls.



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Oh this is old, but I remember it vividly. I cried. That shit is so fucking sad.


I love dogs so fucking much.


This x a million


Hadn't seen that before. Definitely stirs some emotions, considering how obsessed I am with my dog. Makes me feel like an asshole, if I'm being honest, for going the breeder route. Next time I'm definitely adopting, although I'm so obsessed with my boy Franklin that I hope that's not for a very long time.


My brother rescued a beagle/basset mix from a place like the one mentioned in this video. He's doing great now. Loves the outdoors, loves to sniff everything, and is an absolute food vacuum. Led Zeppelin was playing in the car ride on the way home, so he was affectionately named Zep.


With a song as fun and inspiring as "Here Comes the Sun" I was hoping we'd get to see a video of them romping around in the grass a bit after they got used to it. But I guess a fun, happy kind-of ending like that would defeat the purpose of the video and detract from the serious message.


My first dog we bought from a pet store, but after we had to put him down I decided to adopt my next one. Best decision I ever made and one I would recommend to anyone else looking for a dog/cat. There's so many looking for a good home. If there is one thing I can't stand is an animal being mistreated/abused. Can't take it.


Here's a crappy cell phone pic of Max. He's going to be 3.



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