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Gallon Smashing


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'Gallon Smashing' Prank Videos a Hit but Raise Legal Concerns




Dubbed "gallon smashing," the prank has done well online but might have legal implications.


In the original video, the three Vienna, Va., teens - Zayd, Faysal and Omar Khatib - film themselves carrying milk containers in supermarkets. They pretend to trip and fall, sending the gallons of milk crashing to the floor, with dramatic results. Supermarket workers and shoppers who don't know it's part of a prank rush to help the seemingly injured boys as they flail about in the spilled milk.


Some people find it hilarious but Dana Cole, an attorney and legal analyst for ABC News, says it potentially runs afoul of the law.


"Looking at the video, it does seem a bit malicious, not so funny particularly because someone has to clean it up," Cole said. "Based upon that, it can easily be viewed as a crime."


The original posters' video has been pulled from YouTube, but others have uploaded it.


An alleged copycat gallon-smashing incident in Utah this week led to disorderly conduct charges for 10 juveniles.

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