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Can Cats Fly?

quick release

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I have never seen this much vitriol towards cats in my life.


Admittedly, I dont like them. But I've done everything I could.


Fire Dept. didnt want to pick up their phones. Dispatch said the fire dept. wont do shit. Troopers wont do anything. Animal control wont do anything either. Found out whos cat it is and they came over.. but she still doesnt want to come down. Neighbor said he'll come back in the morning and if she's not down, he'll rent a ladder.

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I have 3 of them and I'll admit they are pains in the ass a lot of the time. One of ours got its leg stuck in our Christmas tree. Had to cut him loose, threw the tree out because the lights were shot. They can't stay off the counters/tables in our house despite spraying them with water constantly as kittens. They try to kill each-other at 3 in the morning.


That said, I love the fact that they dont give a shit. My cats are friendly to people, aren't skittish, but aren't going to get in your way if you are in my house, or bother you if you dont want to be bothered.

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